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Infrared Water seepage Workmanship Diagnostic



Infrared Thermography

IR thermographic inspection utilizes principals of infrared energy, thermodynamics and heat transfer to distinguish between normal and weak areas. Because heat energy is transferred and emitted differently through the normal and weak areas, an infrared camera can be used to detect the relative thermal differences between the two different conditions.


  • Building Maintenance: IR thermography is ideal for objective assessment of a building shell before a renovation. Hidden weak-spots or deficiencies can be easily located, thus helping customers to make accurate decisions regarding the repair and to prepare a precise budget control for the renovation.

  • Quality Control: IR method is well suited to quality and implementation or installation control after renovation or during new building. Inaccessible weak-spots or defects can be clearly pinpointed. The IR results provide an objective assessment on whether the quality of the work is accepted or not. Besides, defects are identified within the period of the guarantee and can be rectified by craftsmen before further damage.

  • Roof Evaluation: The infrared detection can be used to accurately locate and quantify moisture trapped within roofing assemblies. The survey should be employed prior to final acceptance for a new roofing system; before re-roofing over an existing roof assembly as well as whenever leaks occur.

  • Water Leakage: Leak location can be easily detected without excavation. Leaks in heating and cooling water pipework can be non-destructively identified by means of IR technique so that leakage in cold- or warm-water and sewage pipework can be pinpointed.

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Last modified: February 28, 2006