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Concrete Coring

The aim of the test is to investigate the material performance of in-situ concrete components in a building. The core extraction followed by core compression test is an effective way to let engineer or architect understand the durability and safety of a concrete structure.


General Test Procedures

  1. Select an appropriate coring location carefully. With the aid of cover meter, avoid cutting through reinforcement bar.

  2. Core and extract a sample with specified dimensions from the concrete structure. The minimum diameter depends on the aggregate size (In general it shall not be less than 75 mm) Length to diameter ratio shall be about 1.5.

  3. Carry out visual inspection on the core sample.

  4. Conduct core compression test to determine the compressive strength of the core sample so as to evaluate the strength of the concrete structure.



Core compression test and other relevant laboratory tests shall be carried out by our partner laboratories.



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Last modified: December 15, 2004